84-year-old pickleball coach proving age is just a number


NEW PORT RICHEY —  Tom Helfrich has always loved sports.

“I was a three-handicap golfer up until I quit playing golf in 1990 because it got too slow for me. I stated bike racing when I was 55, speed skating when I was 66 — when I was 55 raced all of the United States,” Helfrich explained.

When he was 69, he started pickleball. Flash forward 15 yeas, he’s won multiple championships and has a renowned reputation in the sport.

When JJ Smith heard about Helfrich, he brought his family for lessons, including his 13-year-old son, Denon.

“He’s helped me how to hold the racket right. Not overshoot it, like I used to,” Denon explained. “All the pointers he’s given me I’ve used to play at the advanced courts over there.”


At 84 years old, Helfrich has a lot of knowledge to share.

He gives pickleball lessons four days a week, multiple times a day at New Pot Richey’s Aquatic and Recreation Center — teaching all ages and levels.

“He’s 13 years old and I’ve gone all the way up,” Helfrich said. “I gave lessons to a lady who had dementia when she was 85 yeas old and that was fun! I enjoyed that one!

His number of students over the yeas is impressive — at least 550.

They vary in skill level and experience, but they have one thing in common, they all love Tom.

Gail Guglielmello started taking lessons as a beginner, but she soon realized she was in the best of hands.

“When I met Tom, I thought I hit the jackpot,” she said. “He’s so great, he’s so patient and he’s so knowledgeable. And he’s funny.”

Helfrich still competes, but because of back issues, he’s had to do so in a wheelchair. Through that experience, he’s learned how to also Tain those with disabilities or injuries.

“Anybody can do it, don’t tell me you can’t because there’s no such words to me as can’t.”

Helfrich is proving age is just a number.

“He can stay still and hit every ball,”said  Guglielmello. “His reflexes, his memory, he’s incredible.”

So, what’s his secret to youth?

“Enjoy everything you do no matter what you do, you work space or do spots, if you enjoy it, you enjoy it.”

Fo that reason, he plans on teaching and playing pickleball for many years to come.

“Life is great, I’m lucky to be here at this age, I’m going until 104.”
