Keep Genes On (or Off ) for Better Health


Would you like to optimize your pet’s health and your health?  Would you like to have you and your pet live your lives to their fullest potential and be strong and vibrant for all your living days?   There ARE things you can do, and things you should avoid to help achieve these goals of life, liberty and the pursuit of treats ! 

     Having good DNA, (i.e. good genes) helps a lot.   But we can turn off good genes and turn on bad genes by influencing the epigenomes.  This is a new branch of science that is bringing to light the influence of diet and lifestyle on our health.  Studies have shown that BPA (found in plastic drinking bottles) can influence adults, but especially can deleteriously influence babies during gestation and could be one of the reasons behind the current obesity epidemic.  Flame retardants in rugs, furniture and clothes could be influencing the thyroid and be responsible for feline hyperthyroidism.  Insecticides in the yard can deleteriously affect dogs and could be responsible for bladder cancer. Artificial colors and/or preservatives can be detrimental to the immune system – leading to immune compromise, auto-immune disease and allergies.  Antibiotic use can lead to ‘leaky gut syndrome’ which can allow large protein molecules access across the gut wall into the blood stream and initiate food sensitivities and allergies. Once our immune system is compromised, aberrant cells that develop can be missed by the immune system and allowed to grow – resulting in cancer and malignancies.  

   So what can one do?  Avoid known carcinogens as much as possible, of course! This includes giving only enough vaccinations to protect our pets from contagious diseases and minimizing chemical treatments. But, the key is living a healthy lifestyle.  Proper nutrition is especially important when we are growing, but even as adults we make new cells – quality food and clean water are essential to build and maintain our physical body.   Exercise – to some a 4-letter word – is essential to keep strong and flexible and keep our ‘chi’ energy moving and our brain as well as our other tissues oxygenated.  For emotional health – minimize stress, but don’t eliminate it.  If we have no challenges at all in life – how are we to grow?  Don’t dwell on negative thoughts or experiences.  Surround yourself with positive people and pets.  For Spiritual health–connect to a greater being–which ever God you choose – be faithful. If you choose no God, be true to yourself and your beliefs.  Be in this world more than just for your own benefit – give to those less fortunate than you.  Help protect and nurture our Mother Earth.  Help the world be a better place – even if it just a tiny improvement – it is beneficial.  

LAUGH,  LOVE as unconditionally as your pet loves you & BE JOYOUS




