FAU study looks at which face masks are most effective at preventing COVID-19



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Amid COVID-19 concerns, a woman wears a bandana as she makes her way to catch a bus in downtown Dallas, Friday, April 3, 2020. New federal guidelines are also expected soon on wearing face masks to help curb the spread of the virus, Trump said recently, adding that the guidance won’t require all Americans to use face coverings. For most people, the coronavirus causes mild or moderate symptoms, such as fever and cough that clear up in two to three weeks. For some, especially older adults and people with existing health problems, it can cause more severe illness, including pneumonia and death. (AP Photo/LM Otero)

BOCA RATON, Fla. (WFLA/NBC) – Health officials continue to stress the need to wear face masks to help reduce the spread of COVID-19.


A new study is shedding light on which types are most effective for containing the virus.

Researchers used a laser to detect droplets as they were coughed and sneezed out of a mannequin head.

They found that loosely folded face masks and bandana-style coverings had little to no effect on stopping stopping the droplets.

But well-fitted homemade masks with multiple layers of quilting fabrics and off-the-shelf cone-style masks were the most effective.

The scientists said the mannequins projected droplets much farther than six feet when they didn’t have a mask on.

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