Florida State Univ. cancels Spring Break, shortens spring semester by week


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TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA) – Florida State University students will be going without a Spring Break in 2021, according to an announcement released by the school.

A message by Sally McRorie, the university’s provost and executive vice president for Academic Affairs, was sent to all students, faculty and staff Wednesday stating that FSU has decided to adopt a new Spring 2021 schedule, of which includes canceling Spring Break.

The semester will start as planned on Wednesday, Jan. 6, however, the first three days of classes will be taught online, according to the message. Since Spring Break is now canceled, the semester will end on Friday, April 23, a week earlier than originally planned.


“The university continues its efforts to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, and we believe these adjustments will reduce the potential for members of the campus community to return to Tallahassee with the virus after traveling during spring break,” McRorie said.

This decision comes almost two weeks since the University of Florida announced that the university’s Faculty Senate voted to remove the school’s Spring Break. If passed by the university’s administration, the spring semester would start a week later.


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