Florida’s economic opportunity chief resigns amid unemployment woes


TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — Florida’s director of economic opportunity resigned Monday, months after being stripped of his oversight of the state’s glitch-ridden unemployment system, which left hundreds of thousands of people waiting weeks — and sometimes months — for benefits after losing their jobs during the coronavirus outbreak.

Ken Lawson said in his resignation letter that he was leaving his post “in the spirit of turning the page and moving forward.”

Florida’s balky unemployment system was among the slowest in the country to respond to the surge in unemployment as the pandemic sidelined key sectors of the state’s economy, including bars, restaurants and huge swaths of the tourist industry.

The number of unemployed overwhelmed the state’s benefits system, preventing many applicants from filing claims online because of glitch-ridden servers and phone lines. The debacle prompted widespread complaints and put Gov. Ron DeSantis under political duress.

With public anger welling, Gov. DeSantis yanked Lawson from his oversight role in April. Lawson remained the director of the Department of Economic Opportunity, but management of the unemployment system was given to Department of Management Services Secretary Jonathan Satter.


Shortly before the leadership shakeup, Lawson had publicly apologized for the distress the problems caused the newly unemployed.

“From my heart, I apologize for what you’re going through,” he said then.

Florida’s unemployment system became fodder for state and national Democrats, who pushed for investigations into the failures, including an explanation of why the state could not deliver timely benefits.

DeSantis has acknowledged that his state’s unemployment system is broken and ordered his own investigators to look into the system’s failures. At one point, DeSantis likened the state’s unemployment system, known as CONNECT, to a “jalopy in the Daytona 500” being “left in the dust.”

During a Tampa media availability Monday, the governor announced a replacement for Lawson has been lined up. DeSantis said he could be ready to reveal who that individual is as early as Tuesday.

“There’s some things that need to change in that agency and we want to make sure that we can,” the governor added.

Democrats and Republicans alike have acknowledged that the problems with the CONNECT system predated the pandemic. The outbreak had caused the state’s unemployment rate to spike to 13.8% in April, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, up from 4.4% the month before.

In fact, state audits found repeated failures in the system, which the governor has acknowledged was not designed to be able to handle the surge in claims.

DeSantis has begun reopening much of Florida’s economy, allowing some Floridians to return to work even as the state continues to contain the COVID-19 outbreak.

Since March 15, the department said it has processed nearly 3.7 million claims — paying out $14.6 billion in benefits to more than 1.9 million claimants. Much of that money — $11.5 billion — came from the federal government.

Under pressure, the governor ordered the department to install additional servers and to hire hundreds of temporary staffers to accommodate the deluge of calls.

With the state’s unemployment rate in July at 11.3%, more than 1.1 million Floridians remain out of work and the system continues straining to keep up.

“To this day we see new unemployment claims come our way, including from Floridians who haven’t seen a dime and others who are missing weeks of back pay. We need to completely dismantle and rebuild DEO with new people and policies,” said state Rep. Anna V. Eskamani.

Florida Democrats, who have been releasing a daily tally of those waiting for benefits, say the DeSantis has not fully resolved problems. According to state Senate Democrats, 1.7 million Floridians are waiting for benefits.

