Holiday Travelers Return Home as Medical Experts Brace For COVID Spike


Millions of people are headed back home after defying health experts and traveling during the Thanksgiving holiday weekend.

What You Need To Know

  • Health experts are concerned that people who traveled could spread COVID-19 when returning home

  • They’re urging people to quarantine and get tested

  • Travelers at Tampa International Airport told Spectrum Bay News 9 they’re not overly concerned


“Many people who traveled did get together with loved ones indoors who are not part of the immediate family,” said Dr. Leana Wen, an emergency physician.

Experts believe the gatherings will cause new coronavirus hot spots now that those travelers are returning home.

But travelers at Tampa International Airport did not seem overly concerned about infection.

“l do everything properly,” said Caseia Fasomikan, who is headed to Philadelphia. “I wash my hands, I have my hand sanitizer and I wear my mask.”

Fasomikan says the relatives she hung out with over the holiday weekend took similar precautions.

“Everybody who came to our house made sure they didn’t have COVID, and then they wore their mask, too,” she said. “As long as you get checked and do what you’re supposed to do, you’ll be OK.”

Russell Barnes, 69, who traveled to Detroit with his granddaughter, holds that same belief even though his age and his diabetes put him in a high-risk category. Barnes, who wore a mask and gloves, said he wasn’t worried “as long as l got this stuff on.”

Friday was the 25th consecutive day the U.S. saw 100,000 new COVID-19 infections. Experts believe that number could rise in the coming weeks because of holiday travel.

“You could inadvertently have gotten COVID and spread it,” said Admiral Brett Giroir, Assistant Secretary for Health at HHS. “Just be careful after the week of your travel because you are at increased risk.”

Experts recommend anyone who traveled over the Thanksgiving weekend quarantine themselves for seven days and get a COVID test.
