Holistic Healing for your Pets

cats dogs rabbits birds
cats dogs rabbits birds

To understand how many of the holistic methods of healing are able to encourage an individual to heal themselves or regain a state of well being you first must understand that we (and our pets) are more than physical bodies inhabiting space.

There is also an emotional/mental aspect, an energy body and a spiritual body. It is through our 5 senses of taste, hearing, smell, sight and touch that we know we are here physically. But, it is our life force energy that gives our body movement, our emotional/mental self that gives us desire and our spiritual self that gives us purpose and meaning.

We are born with a certain blueprint encoded on our genetic DNA, but we are also born with illness patterns that are the basis for each new generation’s core health. To this core is added each new insult to our vital health, whether it be exposure to bacteria or viruses (naturally or by vaccine injection); excess heat, cold, wind, damp or dryness; injury or surgery; or toxins in our food, water or environment. In other words, the multitude of things that can happen to us all! Each of these insults adds another layer to our core. When we are young we have more energy, more vitality. When we have this strength we are able to handle a lot of insults and rebound from them without permanent impact on our health.

hungry dog with cutlery waiting for the meal

As we age, we are not able to do this as efficiently and our bodies start to break down. The area of our body that has a problem is that area that inherently is our “weak spot” or has sustained a great deal of insult or injury. When we are not able to heal ourselves we get stuck in illness symptoms. These symptoms are our body’s attempts at healing. These symptoms are usually regarded as unpleasant and the conventional medicine way of dealing with them is to suppress them and get rid of them as soon as possible. Unfortunately, this suppresses our vital force from ridding our body of the current insult, so the problem is driven to a deeper level. The body is marvelous in resurfacing this buried illness and will do its best to bring it out and get rid of it.

If our surface symptoms are suppressed strongly enough or often enough, the disease will then manifest on a deeper level. We may think they are gone, but they have really only moved to a new location! Traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture work by helping restore a healthy balance to the energy pathways of the body. This helps the body to work in as efficient a way as possible. Acupuncture therapy can be done with finger pressure, with small beads or tacks, solid needles, injection of liquids (aquapuncture), electrical impulses (electroacupuncture), or by insertion of gold or silver-plated beads or wires into acupuncture points. I have found neural therapy aquapuncture (B-12, lidocaine and saline injections) to be the most successful treatment for my patients with arthritis (as happens with hip dysplasia or spinal spondylosis). Homeopathy helps individuals heal themselves by influencing the energy body’s interface with the physical body. Through the patient’s symptoms, responses to the insults that life has thrown out, basic personality traits and clinical history the homeopathic physician is able to formalize a “picture” of that patient.


This homeopathic “portrait” is then correlated with the most appropriate remedy for that individual at that point in time. This allows the body to heal itself by exteriorizing and resolving illness. Single homeopathic remedies are all that is needed in acute problems but for those individuals with chronic disease it takes well chosen remedies given at the correct strength and time intervals to bring one to a state of good health and well-being.

Animal Alternatives
238 E. Bearss Ave.
Tampa, Florida 33613
