Homeless shelters expect to see more people during cold snap


HUDSON, Fla. — A cold front is bringing unseasonably frigid temperatures to Tampa Bay and local homeless shelters are preparing for an influx of new people.

What You Need To Know

  • A cold front is bringing unseasonably frigid temperatures

  • Shelters are expecting to see an influx of people, including Holy Ground in Hudson

  • The shelter has allotted space for around 60 people
  • RELATED: Bay area cold weather shelters open for cold temps


The Holy Ground shelter in Hudson is already helping out 30 people and is expecting more. The shelter has been operating in Hudson for the last five years out of a former motel, but the woman behind the operation, Lisa Barabas-Henry, has over 30 years of experience working with homeless individuals.

“Everybody that comes here says they don’t want to leave, and a lot of the time they don’t,” she said.

Holy Ground has prepared overflow space for up to 30 more people in case they need shelter. Barabas-Henry accepts men, women, and children.

“I’ve already got calls. They are on their way on the buses,” she said.

Barabas-Henry says she never turns anyone away who needs help and even has animals to bring people some comfort, hoping to make others at home. Many of the people she cares for are elderly or struggling with mental health issues. bBut no matter what, Barabas-Henry says it’s her life’s mission to help people.

“They feel a sense of acceptance, and not judged,” she said. “We’ve all been there. I have a passion for people, period. And when you can see the desperate and the destitute on their faces — or the anger — it is a blessing to be the one that gives them a hug or a kind word.”

Like so many other shelters, Barabas-Henry says she is always in need in of food, supplies, and clothing.

The shelter can be reached by calling 727-863-9123.
