Lara Trump: Trump celebrates America’s greatness – sharp contrast to how Biden, Dems view US


President Donald Trump’s Republican National Convention celebrated America’s greatness by highlighting the spirit of our people and the promise of America, standing in stark contrast to the Democratic National Convention, which painted a dark, bleak picture of America and its people.

The contrast between the RNC and DNC emphasized the clear differences between President Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden. Our president stands in defense of freedom and prosperity, while Biden embraces the radical left and its dreadful vision of America.

The America presented by Biden and the radical left is not the America I know and love. I addressed just that when I had the honor to speak at the RNC.


I grew up in Wrightsville Beach, N.C. My parents were small business owners and worked hard to provide for me and my brother – they raised us to understand the value of honest, hard work and a shared belief in the promise of America.


The promise of America – that the opportunity to succeed – is available to all Americans, and only limited by the size of one’s ambition.


I’ve had the chance to pursue my professional dreams, and my career has taken me to places far and wide. I’m also a daughter, wife and mother, and I share the same concerns as so many Americans and their families.

Eric and I are parents to our son Luke, who will soon be 3, and daughter, Carolina, who we welcomed to this world just over one year ago. As we near the November elections, I often contemplate what sort of country will we leave for our children and for future generations.

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We see 47-year career politician Joe Biden talking about what he wants to change as he campaigns from the basement of his home, but where was he during his nearly half-century political career in Washington?

While in the Senate, Biden voted for NAFTA, a trade deal that eliminated hundreds of thousands of American jobs. He supported China’s entry into the World Trade Organization, a decision that has only hurt American working families and hastened China’s rise on the global stage. After those Biden calamities, the United States lost one in four manufacturing jobs and once-great American cities were decimated.

The American people do not want to hear Biden’s hollow words of empathy. They want their jobs back.

The fact is that Biden has always been an empty vessel. Like many career politicians, he always made decisions based on what he thought would benefit him the most politically, despite the real-world implications of his actions.

Compare Biden’s failed record with that of President Trump, who has empowered Americans to pursue their dreams and determine their own destiny.

This time around, he’s controlled by the radical left, whose end goal is to destroy America as we know it. The far-left strives to see an America where lawlessness is normalized, government-controlled health care is implemented and freedom of religion is shunned.

Compare Biden’s failed record with that of President Trump, who has empowered Americans to pursue their dreams and determine their own destiny. As a mom balancing a career while raising two young children, I’m particularly proud of the president’s strong actions to empower women.

Thanks to President Trump, women’s unemployment hit the lowest level since the Second World War. In 2019 alone, 70% of all new jobs were filled by women, and women-owned small businesses have hit record levels. Let us also not forget that over a half million women have been lifted out of poverty while President Trump has been in office.

Joe Biden is not a leader; he doesn’t have the courage to take on the violent anarchists causing chaos on our streets. Biden’s America is defined by appeasement to the radical left. If he takes over in November, you won’t be safe, your family won’t be safe, and your community won’t be safe.

Biden’s name will be the one that appears on the ballot, but the radical left’s agenda is what the American people will be voting for should they choose Biden.

Come November, Americans have a decision to make. President Trump is a leader who understands the importance of standing up for law enforcement, defending America’s standing in the world and protecting economic opportunity for ALL Americans. Joe Biden is scapegoating the police, has demonstrated his inability to stand up to China and others on the global stage, and believes government, not the American people, should take control of our destiny.


I know firsthand the passion and love President Trump holds in his heart for the American people. He worked tirelessly throughout his first term to rebuild the American economy not once, but now twice, as we continue to safely re-open.

I know the president is prepared to serve the American people for four more years, protecting opportunities for all Americans to pursue their American Dream.

