Pasco County drivers asking for fix at busy intersection


PASCO COUNTY, Fla. — Pasco County drivers are concerned about an intersection as traffic continues to grow in the area.

What You Need To Know

  • Pasco residents are concerned about the intersection of Little Road and Fivay Road in Hudson as traffic grows in the area

  • The concern is making a right turn onto Little Road but not being able to see the oncoming traffic

  • Pasco County residents can use the Traffic Request Form to ask for fixes

It’s the intersection of Little Road and Fivay Road in Hudson, which just last month saw a deadly crash.

Stephen Faybik has lived near there for 20 years. He says it’s much busier than it used to be.


“Oh there’s been a lot of changes. A lot of new buildings put up. Businesses coming in,” Faybik said.

His concern is making a right turn onto Little Road but not being able to see the oncoming traffic. He says it’s due to the curve of the road and the trees there.

“You can’t see beyond the trees,” Faybik said. “So you have to move on up. At times, a car will be passing by and that’s when you can get hit.”

He offered a potential solution: Adding signs to warn drivers that a traffic light is ahead.

In fact, there are already signs like that at other spots on Little Road.

“That way it would tell people there’s a traffic light ahead. Reduce your speed and maybe that would help a little bit. Anything could help,” Faybik said.

Faybik would also like to see if the trees can be trimmed.

“If they would maybe trim that back, it might even help, where people would be able to see that cars are going to be going around that curb,” Faybik said.

Pasco County officials said they recently cut weeds there but not the trees. They also said there is a traffic light warning on Fivay Road but not on Little Road.

Pasco County has a process where residents can ask for fixes on the road, like signs, through its Traffic Request Form.
