Pres. Trump visits Florida, North Carolina while he and Joe Biden release dueling ads


by: Dean Reynolds and Haley Townsend

/ Updated:

(NewsNation Now) — President Donald Trump campaigned twice Tuesday while his Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden didn’t have any appearances, though his wife Jill made several virtual appearances in her tour focused on getting kids safely back to school. Meanwhile, both candidates released new ads attacking their respective opponent.

President Donald Trump visited both Florida and North Carolina, first making a re-election campaign speech to a crowd of Floridians at the Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse and Museum Tuesday afternoon.

“My administration is proving every day that we can improve our environment while creating millions of high paying jobs,” said Trump.


During his speech he reminded Florida voters he is a friend of the environment and signed an order banning oil drilling off the state’s Atlantic coast.

He then arrived at the Smith Reynolds Airport in Winston-Salem, N.C. at 7 p.m. ET, and held a re-election campaign event.

The Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office, Winston-Salem police and the Secret Service were preparing for his rally since he visited Wilmington last Wednesday, designating it a “World War II Heritage City.”

COVID-19 safety measures were also in place. Hand sanitizer stations and temperature checks happened as people enter the area. Attendees also had to sign a waiver saying they take full responsibility if they catch the virus at the campaign stop.

Trump narrowly won both states in the 2016 presidential election.

There were overlapping messages in key battleground states as both campaigns opened their wallets for an air war of advertisements.

From the Biden camp: “This is our chance to put the darkness of the past four years behind us, to end the anger, the insults, division and violence. We’ve had four years of a president who brings out the worst in America. Isn’t it time we had a president who brought out the best?”

That ad will air on national cable networks as well as broadcast stations in Florida, Arizona, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

The Trump campaign countered with a commercial that included this:

“In the race for a vaccine, the finish line is approaching,” and this: “Why would we ever let Biden kill countless American businesses, jobs and our economic future when President Trump’s great American comeback is now underway?”

That ad will run in North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan.

Earlier as he left Washington for Florida, the president said he has no qualms about using his own money to fund his campaign down the stretch. Fortune Magazine reported he spent $66 million of his personal fortune during the primaries of 2016.

The Biden campaign Tuesday consisted of Jill Biden, who took up her husband’s defense during a conference call to Green Bay, Wisconsin.

“Across this country, Americans of all walks of life are putting their shoulders back and fighting for each other. We haven’t given up,” Jill said. “We just need leadership worthy of our nation. Worthy of all of you. And no one knows resilience like my husband Joe. And he’s faced his share of trials and tragedies. Our family has been knocked down and our hearts have certainly been shattered. And through it all, he learned how to heal a broken family. And it’s the same way you heal a nation.”
