‘Shame on you’: Protester interrupts coronavirus update, accuses DeSantis of ‘doing nothing’ as Florida cases surge


MIAMI (WFLA) — A young man in a mask interrupted Gov. Ron DeSantis during a news conference on Monday, accusing him of lying to Floridians and doing nothing as coronavirus cases rise.

“You are doing nothing!” the man shouted shortly after Gov. DeSantis stepped up to the podium at Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami. “You are deceiving the public!”

The governor tried to continue when the man first started yelling but eventually stopped and waited for him to be removed.

“Over 4,000 people have died and you are blaming the protesters. You guys have no plan and you’re doing nothing,” the man yelled as he was being removed. “Shame on you!”

The man continued yelling “shame on you” as he was being escorted out of the news conference.


A Twitter user named Thomas Kennedy tweeted saying he was the one who interrupted the governor.

Kennedy said he interrupted to let DeSantis and the Miami-Dade County mayor “know they are an embarrassment to FL and that their incompetence and lack of planning has resulted in the current public health crisis.”

I just interrupted a press conference in Miami-Dade to let governor @RonDeSantisFL and @MayorGimenez know they are an embarrassment to FL and that their incompetence and lack of planning has resulted in the current public health crisis.

4,381 people have died so far in FL pic.twitter.com/q6SozHfT8o

— Thomas Kennedy (@tomaskenn) July 13, 2020

The state health department reported 12,624 new cases on Monday. That would have been the highest single-day increase we’ve seen if it wasn’t for the record-shattering 15,300 new cases reported on Sunday that totaled more than the number of new cases in all of Europe. Florida reported a spike in test results received by the state on both of those days.

Those 15,300 new cases over the weekend not only broke Florida’s single-day increase record by a landslide, but it also marked the largest single-day increase in positive coronavirus cases in any state since the beginning of the pandemic. According to the Associated Press, California set the previous record last Wednesday with 11,694 positive cases. New York had 11,571 on April 15.

Gov. DeSantis has drawn heavy criticism from some on social media for not issuing a statewide mask mandate despite the increase in cases.

