Skincare Musts for Women of Every Age


From puberty to menopause and beyond, the skincare needs of women change drastically over our lifetime. In this article, I discuss many of the main skin care concerns and precautions that are necessary to maintain healthy, beautiful skin at any age. Just find the decade in which you fall to see what steps to better skin you need to take today to have better skin tomorrow. 

Women in their 20’s: Hydration & Protection

For this decade of your life, your skin is the most resilient that it will ever be. To ensure that you have beautiful skin many years from now, it is important to take care of it. Hydration is the first step; you should begin to drink 8-10 glasses of water a day, every day. This will combat the signs of aging from the late night partying, late night studying, or just staying up late that many of us do when we are young. This also helps flush the system of excess alcohol or control breakouts from any nagging signs of teenage acne. The second step is protection; this is a two-prong step that includes internal as well as external protection. In terms of internal protection, you should begin to take a well-balanced daily vitamin that will promote healthy skin and overall health by providing essential nutrients that you may not be getting in your daily diet. Check with your doctor to get the best one for you. For external protection, using a moisturizer with a SPF of at least 15 everyday, no matter the season, will reduce the amount of fine lines and wrinkles you get as you age. 

Women in their 30’s: Prevention

This is the decade in most women’s lives when many life changes occur, such as marriage, children, career changes, etc. This inevitably means more stress on the skin and more stress can mean rapid aging. So in this decade, prevention is the number one step. To that end, finding a good skin care regimen that works well with your lifestyle is important. You want skincare that will combat any visible signs of aging that you already have as well as prevent any further signs of aging. Another way to prevent many unwanted signs of aging is to improve your diet by adding in more fresh fruits and vegetables. As with women in their 20’s, you should still be continuing to drink water to hydrate your skin. 


Women in their 40’s: Treatment

When many women turn 40, their mentality not only changes, but also their skin. Many times women’s skin will begin to break out again or they will develop a skin condition that they have never had in the past. For this very tricky decade of life, treatment is the weapon of choice. A visit to the dermatologist is highly recommended to treat any skin conditions that may have developed and get your skin back into the great condition that it once was in. Hydration, once again, will help you overcome any road blocks on your quest to maintain beautiful skin. 

Women in their 50’s and Beyond: Nourishment

In this time of many women’s lives, the loss of skin elasticity, moisture, and tone is very evident. When these signs begin to emerge it is time to nourish your skin to keep it supple and to help it retain moisture. You will want to avoid any type of caffeine or skin depleting activities (this means coffees, sodas, alcohol, and smoking are out!) as these will speed up signs of aging. Look for products that cater to mature skin and will help it regain its youth. More than any time in your life, hydration is important for your skin retaining moisture and a healthy natural glow. You can have beautiful skin at any age with a few steps taken on your part to address your skin’s current state of being. It is never too late to start, so begin today to have healthy, beautiful, vibrant skin tomorrow.
