Two More School Districts Now Requiring Masks on Campus


First it was Hillsborough and Pinellas. Now, Pasco and Hernando are adopting a face covering curriculum.

What You Need To Know

  • Pasco and Hernando Counties become the latest to mandate masks on school campuses

  • Includes all students and staff

  • Exceptions for medical issues.

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The Hernando County School Board unanimously finalized the districts mandate on face coverings at Tuesday evening’s board meeting. 

Superintendent John Stratton said, “The board took final action on face coverings and we have made them mandatory.”

That includes students, staff members, vendors, anyone who in on school property. “So what we’re asking,” Stratton added, “is that students and adults wear their masks where social distancing is not possible.”

That does also include classrooms. The superintendent said classes are not designed for social distancing, however teachers will spread desks out as much as possible. 

“Given the make up of the room, it could be possible and then therefore you could take the mask off,” Stratton.

He also spoke to the board about what a plan would look like if a staff member or a student tested positive or came in contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19, but he said that plan isn’t as cut and dry as we think it is.

“When was the person determined to be positive and then backtracking there who they might have been around. That then leads to how long the time or exposure was,” he said.

He finished by saying that if and when it arrives to that point, the district and the health department will assess the next steps to take. 

Meanwhile, in Pasco County, the board passed an emergency order on Tuesday, requiring masks be worn in classrooms and on school buses.

Face coverings may be removed outdoors, but school athletes are being encouraged to wear masks during practices and games.
