Vaccine Opposition: Why It Exists And How To Overcome It


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It’s been a year since the pandemic uprooted our lives and changed many aspects of daily living.

Recent months have seen a ray of hope in the form of vaccines.

But even after the arrival of multiple vaccines, all with high levels of efficacy, the American and worldwide public continues to have serious questions about the vaccine.

Along those lines, we know many people in the Bay area also have questions about the COVID-19 Vaccine.

This week, our team at Bay News 9 will be providing extensive coverage of the latest information and answers on everything from the science behind the vaccine to the vaccination process in your community.


As part of this Vaccine Education Week, this special episode of To The Point Already will be examining where we are with the vaccine rollout, what’s being done right and what’s being done wrong and why some people, even health care workers, are hesitant about getting the vaccine.

On this episode, Bay News 9 reporter Cait McVey and long term care facility worker Nikki Guyton discuss the vaccine. And Dr. Hal Eskowitz, Physician and Chief of Lakeland Regional Health Care and Dr. Lindsay Peterson, USF Gerontologist, talk about vaccinating more people.

Escucha aquí un podcast especial en español en el que la presentadora de Spectrum News, Ybeth Bruzual conversa con el Dr. Faisal Fakih, un neumólogo con décadas de experiencia. El doctor Fakih habla sobre los mitos de la vacuna COVID y sobre lo que los inmigrantes indocumentados deben saber sobre el proceso de vacunación.


Spectrum Bay News 9 Anchor Rick Elmhorst sits down with the people that represent you, the people fighting for change and the people with fascinating stories to ask the hard questions. 

To The Point Already will cover people, politics and issues from a Tampa Bay perspective every Wednesday. 
